Are you getting anxious to see some of the projects for the Children's Bedroom Makeover we've promised you? Well if so, you're not alone! We too are eager to see everything complete! While few things spell fun better than a little family DIY, seeing the finished project can be so rewarding. It has been a crazy time here at the Wylie house trying to bring some of the many DIY projects to a close. Between vacations, birthdays, tea parties (can't wait to share that with you all!), sickness, a few minor injuries, and our computer crashing, we have continually been pulled in other directions. Such is life. However, we do have a few of our smaller bedroom projects done and I would like to share one of those with you all today that I think is sure to please. I just love it and couldn't be happier with how it turned out. But more importantly than that, our daughter love's it - success!
So roll out the red carpet, here comes Children's Bedroom Makeover Accessory Project #1...
What does every great kids bedroom need? Think smaller than the obvious's something that doesn't even technically go in the room...figure it out yet? It's a door sign! What kid doesn't love announcing to the world that it's their room; especially in a fun and creative way that show's a bit of who they are/what they love?! For our daughter that means horses and the color red, and while we could've transformed her old rectangle door sign to match the new theme, we ended up finding a hidden treasure at our local Goodwill store for just $5 - score!
Thrift Store find - Before
I'm willing to bet bunches of people passed this up due to it being so dirty and not to mention, way out of date! Ick! However, a good tip when you're going thrift shopping is to go with an open mind and think outside the box. If you do that, you can end up with some really awesome projects once transformed! A little vision and some paint can go a long way. Just check out the transformation...