Our very first DIY/repurposed project is going to take us all the way back to the spring of 2011...O.K., I already know what you're thinking, and yes, we really didn't get started DIYing until then. What can I say? I guess it took us awhile to get on the whole DIY bandwagon...O.K. a long while, but we're here now and this is the project that started us in all this craziness!
Repurposed Water Fountain |
This used to be a water fountain that belonged to our neighbors (sorry, no before pics were taken), which I'd always thought was gorgeous, so I was shocked to discover them one day loading it up into the back of their truck to take it to the dump. Apparently the hose, which was really narrow, continually became clogged and they were tired of taking it apart and cleaning it - understandable, but to just throw it away?! Uh, uh, no way! How they could not see it's hidden potential, I have no idea, but boy was I a happy camper when they offered it to us for free! They thought I was looney for wanting a fountain that didn't work properly and to them was just junk, but what they didn't know is that I had no intention of keeping it a fountain. I wanted to turn it into a flower planter, and that's just what we did! Doesn't it look gorgeous?!
Here's How We Did It:
Step 1 - pulled out all of the fountain components (tubing, pump, etc.). This was actually rather easy because much of it was corroded and falling apart anyway and so it didn't require any cutting or sawing or anything like that. (wish I had pics to show u :( , so sorry)
Step 2 - drilled five holes in the base for drainage.
Step 3 - sprayed it down with a pressure washer.
Step 4 - poored some gravel into the hollow middle column, mostly for stability (the bolts that once secured it to the base were long gone and broken), but also to help with drainage.
Step 5 - put a square planter into the top of the center collumn (we just happened to find one that just fit and didn't slide all the way down).
Step 6 - added dirt and perennial plants (I wish we would've given it a fresh coat of paint before doing so, but I guess this way gives it more of an old rustic look, which isn't so bad I suppose.)
And so there you have it -
a DIY flower planter repurposed from a broken water fountain...here's some more pics and info just for your enjoyment :)