May 25, 2013

Where'd U Go?

Hello everyone!  If you joined me here @ My Guy & I DIY for our first entry, then you're probably wondering, "Where'd U Go?"  If so, I certainly can't blame you there.  It's been ages!  Or so it seems to me, so I'm sure it does to all of you as well.  Sorry about that!  We've had quite a few weekends out of town lately that has put us WAY behind schedule with our children's bedroom makeover, not to mention we've ran into a few snags with the toy cabinet project...o.k., o.k., maybe more than a few, but I think we've finally got some things worked out this morning and so we should now be well on our way to completing at least a few parts of some of the projects we've got going for the makeover...sigh...I hope...we're keeping our fingers crossed!  Anyhow, in the meantime, I thought I'd get going on some posts to show you some of our older DIY projects, as previously promised to keep you all "entertained" so to speak.  With that being said, see u soon!

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